benniekrijger / scala-mollie   0.26


Scala client to connect to the Mollie payment provider API

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12

Scala Mollie

Build Status Maven Central License

Scala client to connect to the Mollie payment provider API


To include the latest release of the Mollie client into your sbt project, add the following lines to your build.sbt file:

   libraryDependencies += "com.github.benniekrijger" %% "scala-mollie" % "0.15"

This version of scala-mollie depends on Akka 2.4.14 and Scala 2.12.0.

Sample usage

     val mollieConfig = MollieConfig(
       apiHost = "",
       apiBasePath = "v1",
       apiKey = Some("liveApiKey"),
       testApiKey = "testApiKey",
       testMode = true
     val mollieClient = system.actorOf(
     (mollieClient ? GetPayment("some-payment-id")).map {
       case resp: PaymentResponse =>
       case _ => // failure
     (mollieClient ? ListPaymentIssuers()).map {
       case resp: PaymentIssuers =>
       case _ => // failure
     (mollieClient ? ListPaymentMethods()).map {
       case resp: PaymentMethods =>
       case _ => // failure
     (mollieClient ? CreatePaymentIdeal(
        issuer = "ideal_RABONL",
        amount = 10.5,
        description = "Test payment",
        redirectUrl = "",
        webhookUrl = Some(""),
        locale = Some("nl"),
        metadata = Map("orderId" -> "1234")
     )).map {
       case resp: PaymentResponse =>
       case _ => // failure